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Traditional and stylized folklore ladies costumes Traditional and stylized folklore ladies costumes

Traditional and stylized folklore ladies costumes. Folklore costumes are with embroidery or another decoration like traditonal history costumes. Traditonal cotumes includes: shirt \riza\ with embroidery, sukman or dress\pinaflore, traditonal skirts with embroidery, traditional aprons and accessoaries: ,Belt buckle (pafti), Necklace with pices (pendari).

Meli-M company is owner Miss Match trade mark and is certifited by ISO 9001: 2008


Traditonal ladies pinaflores (0)


Traditional and stylized folklore embroidery pinaflores for ladies. Folklore costumes are with embrodery or another decoration like traditonal history costumes. Traditonal cotumes includes: shirt with embrodery, sukman or dress/pinaflore, apron -prestilka, skirt and accessoaries: naclace with pieces -pendary, Belt bukle - pafti and another.

Meli-M company is owner Miss Match trade mark and is certifited by ISO 9001: 2008

Traditional and stylized folklore embroidery aprons (0)

Traditional and stylized folklore embroidery aprons. Folklore costumes are with embrodery or another decoration like traditonal history costumes. Traditonal cotumes includes: shirt with embrodery, sukman or dress/pinaflore, apron-prestilka, skirt and accessoaries: , naclace with pieces -pendary, Belt bukle - pafti and another.

Meli-M company is owner Miss Match trade mark and is certifited by ISO 9001: 2008

Traditional and stylized folklore embroidery skirts (0)

Traditional and stylized folklore embroidery skirts. Folklore costumes are with embrodery or another decoration like traditonal history costumes. Traditonal cotumes includes: shirt with embrodery, sukman or dress/pinaflore, apron -prestilka, skirt and accessoaries: naclace with pieces -pendary, Belt bukle - pafti and another.

Meli-M company is owner Miss Match trade mark and is certifited by ISO 9001: 2008





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